Thursday 28 August 2014

8.22.2014 Assignment

     America is plagued by many problems. Among these problems are things such as government spending, national debt, social security, crime, racism and many more. Out of all the these problems we have, I feel like the three problems that are the worst are as follows: the education system, employment, and the economy.
     The education is one of America biggest faults. We are ranked globally in reading and math 36th out of 50 countries. Education in general is ranked 22nd out of 50. The quality of the education and how much children are learning isn't the only problem that we face when we look at why we are lacking in this area. It costs the average student close to $20,000 to attend college. Most students are forced to take up loans and usually end up being close to being $30,000 in debt by the time that they end their schooling. One solution to save from being so much in debt, is to
     The unemployment rate in America is currently at 6.2 percent. This is roughly 9.7 million people in America without jobs. The job growth that we just had is starting to lower again causing unemployment rates to rocket even higher. The work that people are finding when they finally get a job is usually only part time or temporary, which soon has them out looking for a job again. One way to lower unemployment would be to make jobs easier for people are make them morel long term.
     The economy has been on a drop for several years now. This year, we are finally expecting a growth in the economy. Even with this growth, we we still be no where near the stability we were at around 10 years ago. The national debt is rising and we have no other way to pay for the debts we own than to raise taxes on your average lower, or middle class worker. One way to fix the economy would be to raise the number of people working and lower the unemployment rate.
     America has many more problems than the ones I have listed above. Some of the problems are insignificant and others are even greater. One great thing about living in America is that ewe are always trying to better ourselves. We are working and trying to fix the problems we have today to create a better future.

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