Thursday 13 November 2014

11.6.14 Assignment

     One of my main issues while in legislature would be welfare reform in the United States. Welfare is something that is often taken advantage of in the U.S. Welfare is a program that gives people who can't work and can't afford their lives money to live off of. Welfare was created during that great depression to help out families. Today people often make up excuses and find ways to get welfare while not having to do any work to receive it. A lot of people feel outraged that these people can use tax payers money for their benefit and not have to do anything for it.
     Something that is hard for the younger generations and their families is the cost of college and higher education. In the world we live in today, it is hard to find a good paying job without having to further your education. The cost of schooling is something many people are in debt for their whole lives. In many other counties the cost of higher education in very lower, or even a bare minimum. They also have laws set that allow if you make regular payments on your loan and can't pay it back in so many years, the government will cover the rest. I don't understand why we couldn't adapt some of these standards to give people in the U.S. a better shot at being successful in life.
     Education in very poor in the united states. We are ranked as a county seventh in literacy, 27th in math, and 22nd in science. We are one of the only countries in the world to not make it mandatory to learn a second language while in school. I feel that we should up the education value in schools. We should take measures to make sure students are being taught to the highest of their potential.
     Taxes are at an all time high for the United States. Food taxes are becoming so high, that you almost pay more in taxes than on the actual food. The high cost of healthy food is one reason people are so unhealthy today. The highest taxes are on fat food like chain restaurants. If the taxes on food were to lower than people would have easier access to food and would allow people to lead a better life.
     Another problem I would address would be the quality of roads. The roads are not only poor in West Virginia, but nation wide. You can hardly drive down the road without encountering a patch. It is a safety hazard to be on these roads. Fixing these roads would save a lot of future wrecks and issues that you would encounter.
     I am a republican. I am a republican mostly because I come from a republican family. Growing up, they transferred their beliefs to me. I also have many republican beliefs. Some of these beliefs gun control, oppose government run health care, and several others. Even though I have many republican beliefs, I oppose several things they stand for.

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