Thursday 13 November 2014

Missing Assignments

Finished Legislative Essay and posted it on blog

11.6.14 Assignment

     One of my main issues while in legislature would be welfare reform in the United States. Welfare is something that is often taken advantage of in the U.S. Welfare is a program that gives people who can't work and can't afford their lives money to live off of. Welfare was created during that great depression to help out families. Today people often make up excuses and find ways to get welfare while not having to do any work to receive it. A lot of people feel outraged that these people can use tax payers money for their benefit and not have to do anything for it.
     Something that is hard for the younger generations and their families is the cost of college and higher education. In the world we live in today, it is hard to find a good paying job without having to further your education. The cost of schooling is something many people are in debt for their whole lives. In many other counties the cost of higher education in very lower, or even a bare minimum. They also have laws set that allow if you make regular payments on your loan and can't pay it back in so many years, the government will cover the rest. I don't understand why we couldn't adapt some of these standards to give people in the U.S. a better shot at being successful in life.
     Education in very poor in the united states. We are ranked as a county seventh in literacy, 27th in math, and 22nd in science. We are one of the only countries in the world to not make it mandatory to learn a second language while in school. I feel that we should up the education value in schools. We should take measures to make sure students are being taught to the highest of their potential.
     Taxes are at an all time high for the United States. Food taxes are becoming so high, that you almost pay more in taxes than on the actual food. The high cost of healthy food is one reason people are so unhealthy today. The highest taxes are on fat food like chain restaurants. If the taxes on food were to lower than people would have easier access to food and would allow people to lead a better life.
     Another problem I would address would be the quality of roads. The roads are not only poor in West Virginia, but nation wide. You can hardly drive down the road without encountering a patch. It is a safety hazard to be on these roads. Fixing these roads would save a lot of future wrecks and issues that you would encounter.
     I am a republican. I am a republican mostly because I come from a republican family. Growing up, they transferred their beliefs to me. I also have many republican beliefs. Some of these beliefs gun control, oppose government run health care, and several others. Even though I have many republican beliefs, I oppose several things they stand for.

Monday 10 November 2014

11.10.14 Bellringer

1. His most important role change will be having to work with the republicans and cooperate with the republicans in office.
2. He is working on a bill that allows better training for military people after they serve, all medium and high risk job employees should carry pepper spray, and more detailed gun purchasing.

Thursday 6 November 2014

11.6.14 Bellringer

2. I am excited for what this means for the future of the state, this gives us many opportunities for other young people in the state.
3. I feel that this will both hinder and help her in legislature. She will be looked down upon by many members of legislature because of her age. People will feel that she shouldn't be taken seriously because of her age. This will benefit her though because she is so young and has a different view on many issues than most older members.

Wednesday 5 November 2014

11.5.14 Assignment

What do you plan to do to help public transportation? What will you do to help water pollution? What kinds of after school activities will be available to kids? What will you do for people who can't afford their medical bills? What do you plan to do to reduce crime in our neighborhood?
What will you do for people who can't afford their medical bills? I think the government should make sure everyone has medical insurance so that sick people can get care when they need it.
I voted for the guy because he had a better control of what to do. He knew what to do with issues that were pressing to the community. Not all of his decisions were the best, but he had a better grasp on how to keep things running smoothly.

11.5.14 Bellringer

There was a big turn out for the polls this time for Barbour County. Most of the winners were Republican men. There was only one incumbent person reelected, Tim McDaniel for County Commissioner. The elections are important because they help us decide things for our community. I think it is important to vote because you have a voice and you get to use it during this time.

Monday 3 November 2014

11.2.14 Assignment

     Voting is a big deal in the U.S. People are often unsure of who to vote for and when they choose often ask whether or not they made a good choice. There are so many options and people hardly take the time to find out about the candidates. Doing this is a big part of the voting process. We as people have the opportunity to make a difference. 
     When I look at the candidates, I search all of their history. They often have a previous political career and that is helpful in determining their attitude. Their past careers show their values of what they are supporting in the past. You can also look at their popularity with the people and see how many people liked the person in office. If the have a good reception with the people, than that is always a good sign of how you will like them in office. 
     Another way to help you decide on someone is to look at their childhood. When you look at this you may discover many things. You could discover that they have parent with past political careers that are bad. You could discover that the person you are supporting isn't even from your region or state originally. This is often a deal breaker for most people because they want someone to support them that is sure of their states needs.  
     Another way of choosing to vote, is by asking around. You can see what other people feels for candidates are. Some people may have a reason not to like someone that you agree with. Some people you talk to will try to sway you with the good deeds of candidates that they know of. Some people may just tell you to vote with your party.
     You could use any of these techniques when voting. It id good to know who you are voting for. Most people today go into the polls blind. It is a good idea to have an idea of who will better suit your area when voting. I always go over the candidates and see who has the values that I look for for someone in office. Your vote counts and it is a good idea to make the most of it. 

11.2.14 Bellringer

1. Her argument is that she should have go right to choose death if she wants to prevent her suffering.
2. The people who oppose this say that you are going against God's way and it looks bad for younger people.
3. I feel that she should have the choice to die with dignity because there is a separation of church and state,s o the church shouldn't dictate your views on the issue.