Monday 29 September 2014

9.29.14 Bellringer

1. They are protesting the choices of candidates for the 2017 election.
2. They are wanting rights that we have like free, unblocked access to social media.

Friday 26 September 2014

9.26.14 Bellringer

1. This indicated that the past generations didn't find a need to have a further education to make a profitable income.
2. I think the percentage is so low because in the past, you didn't have to have a college education to have a profitable job.
3. One possible solution would be to really press a college education and to show how it could really benefit you.

Thursday 25 September 2014

9.25.14 Bellringer

1. He is trying to make the point that they are dangerous and we are willing to go to any extreme to stop them.
2. I believe that they got the message that these people are dangerous and need to be stopped and hopefully they offer help.

Wednesday 24 September 2014

9.24.14 Bellringer

1. I don't personally agree with this policy. I feel that they are taking it too far, the regulations are almost ridiculous. You  have the choice when in restaurants whether or not you want to be in the smoking and its your choice to make because you are a consenting adult.
2. I think that his will make business go down because people are in those places to smoke and without that luxury it will be a pain and business will suffer from this policy.

Tuesday 23 September 2014

9.23.14 Bellringer

1. It is important to have Arab allies for this because they know the land better and will be able to give us incite that we wouldn't have otherwise.
2. I imagine that Syria will respond with fire power and missiles, also.

Monday 22 September 2014

9.19.14 Bellringer

I believe that the actions of France help the US because it shows that we aren't the only people willing to do something about this.

9.22.14 Bellringer

1. I believe that students do have the maturity to vote, because they are taught all of these things in school and have a better grasp than most adults do on politics because they are learning them right then.
2. I think that 16 or 18 is a good starting age for voting.

Thursday 18 September 2014

9.18.14 Bellringer

Abu Ali al-Anbari and Abu Muslim al-Turkmani, veteran Iraqi military officials who served under Saddam Hussein -- oversee Syria and Iraq. They are governing the state which is the size of Pennsylvania.  It will become a government that won't separate its politics from its government and army. 

Wednesday 17 September 2014

9.15.14 Bellringer

A tragedy in New Jersey raises questions about where parental responsibility ends when a child becomes a murderer. 

Tuesday 16 September 2014

9.16.14 Bellringer

1. I don't think that whipping is acceptable punishment. I feel that if you are going to punish someone then there a better ways than whipping.
2. The views on discipline have changed greatly over the last twenty years. You use to be able to punish your children how you wanted but now if you spank them you could get in trouble legally.

Friday 12 September 2014

9.12.14 Bellringer

My reaction is questioning. I wonder why they are traveling through this area so frequently and if they know they are coming through why don't they stop them? I am also very concerned about there being a larger terrorist organization at larger in the United States again.

9.9.14 Bellringer

1. No, people have stopped eating at restaurants and fast food places recently and business is dropping for a lot of these places.
2. This will affect American society by causing a people to gain more calories from all the pasta they are consuming and it might raise our obesity rate.
3. No, I think that business should look to making a more healthy menu and that might draw in more customers.
4. I would choose to eat at the Outback because I love their bread.

9.8.14 Bellringer

WWII veteran Fred Mayer, who currently lives in Charles Town W.V, is a retired OSS spy. He was born in Germany and before WWII started, his family fled to New York. He later joined in the US army and volunteered to go back to Germany posing as a spy. He was a major part in the war and single handily saved thousands of lives.

9.5.14 Bellringer

1. They pose a treat because it allows people to know what your personal calls are and what you are saying.
2. They are most likely located near a military base because they hope to pick up intel from workers.
3. No, I don't think they are behind the towers because  like it said in the article, they can just go strait to your carrier if they want to know what you are talking about.

Thursday 4 September 2014

9.4.14 Bellringer

1. This will make a rift in India and will cause many problems.
2. They are targeting India because they feel they are being repressed.
3. The US should stay out of this and let them work out their own problems.

Wednesday 3 September 2014

9.3.14 Bellringer

1. Lehmberg, a district attorney for Texas, was caught drinking a driving and received a DUI. Perry wanted her to step down from office after receiving this and even went as for as to threaten to cut budget for a program she was in charge  of and then on a later date, stop funding the program because she still refused to step down. 
2. I agree that his reasoning was in the right place, that she needed to leave office after receiving that charge, but I think that he went the wrong way in trying to achieve this.